Thursday, December 8, 2011

What is the best way to convert my Australian Dollars $AUD to $USD for travel in the USA?

I have a VISA card which has a direct debit from my bank account but there is a fairly high bank charge to do the conversion from $AUD to $USD, plus a transaction fee each time I use it. I would do the exchange over the counter at the bank but they sell $USD at a premium that is several cents higher than the actual exchange rate. Is there a way to get the actual current exchange rate without all of the fees and charges?|||Probably not. If you can find your bank in the US then you could exchange it there. Otherwise I suggest using your bank card for purchases and carry some cash with you. You could also do the travelers checks thing but there's a cost for those too.That's to bad that your bank charges you for conversion. most banks don't charge any more than a foreign ATM fee, which is somewhere around 1.50 to 3.00 us funds. One more thing you can do is, if your here visiting someone you could ask them to exchange your money at their bank. Its usually something a bank offers account holders for a small cost or free depending on the bank. Hope this helped. I worked at a bank. Have fun!

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