Monday, December 12, 2011

How can I make 1 million USD in 3 years?

Every month we get 5600 USD. And we spend them and we only have 600 or 800

We spend them on important things like gas dor car, house nades, drivers, water, and so on.

So in 3 years how can we make 1 million (at least) so we buy a new house in The Pearl Qatar.

Thank you.|||Even if you did not spend a single penny for three years and saved all the income you would not get 1 million dollars together.


You will need to get a more realistic goal.... you can only save a small percentage of your income, the rest is needed to pay for everything from food to housing and savings can never be more than your total income for a given time... simply because you can't save what you don't have.|||Are you kidding me ?

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