Monday, December 12, 2011

How can I raise $136,500 USD to pay for my education?


I'm wanting some advice or some help on trying to find a way to pay for my education for university. Im wanting to some how raise $136,500 USD to pay for my education. Please help me come up with some ideas to raise this money so i can attend university.

Thank you for your time in reading this. I would greatly appreciate any ideas or help.|||2 words..

PELL GRANTS...|||Thats a lot of money and raising that much money in a short amount of time is going to be very difficult if not impossible. I'd say start working as much as you can and live at home. Save everything you can possibly save. Also start thinking about your options. Do you have to go to the school for 4 years? Maybe you could go to community college for two years (my parents told me this and I cringed). Remember that most people get scholarships for the individual school. For example my tuition was 30,000 a year but i got 12500 in a scholarship (private schools give more aid then state schools). Also fill out the FAFSA to see if you are eligible for federal grants or loans.|||1. A Job

2. Bake Sale

3. Car Wash

4. Pick a cheaper school.

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